In 2006 I worked with writer Nathan Bilton on a competition run by AWARD known as Pie Night. Our brief was to create a print campaign for their sponsor Corbis Images. The proposition was ‘Corbis has the most extensive image library’. Our idea, the client winner, based itself on the notion that even the images you didn’t think would exist, you can find at

Yellow Tail Wines

These days choosing a wine is anything but simple. Whether you’re standing in a bottle shop or reading from a wine list, the sheer amount of wine manufacturers, regions, varieties and confusing jargon make you feel like you need a wine after you’ve finally chosen a wine.

So we created an outdoor campaign for YellowTail wine to help them stand out – by being refreshingly simple.



Our brief was to show targeted business segments (hotels, nursing homes, white collar CEOs…) that by installing Foxtel they will attract more guests, have happier customers or employees. We used famous personalities from sport, TV and news readers to personify ‘Foxtel’ in various ‘business’ locations. Up until this campaign the Foxtel Business team had only used stock imagery so it was a big step to create these press ads with the lovely and talented Juli Balla


Working with gaming experts Ben & Punya Huxter we developed this game for Optus. Fully integrated into Facebook you can challenge and share with your friends.


As a major sponsor of the Rugby World Cup, DHL briefed us to show their sponsorship and to support their overarching line ‘Delivering Rugby to the world’ in major New Zealand airports. We wanted cut through from the over use of expected ‘rugby’ imagery. So whatever you need for the World Cup, DHL can deliver it –  whether that’s a blind cane and dark glasses for the Refs, swear jar for the losers, head ache cures for the winners….


There was nothing romantic or mystical about the way YoBo Clothing began back in 2004 while I was still living in India and my business partner, Richie Young was in Sydney. After a few years floating, our planets simply aligned, something snapped… and YoBo Clothing was born. Like many people, we became increasingly concerned about the growing disparity between the rich and poor, the environment and corporate greed so we decided to always do things the way we wanted. In doing so, we spent a lot of time getting the quality and fit of our clothing just right.

The range includes mens’ and womens’ t-shirts and hats, and women’s jackets and jewellery.